ျမန္မာေတြကိုပဲ ေရြးလုပ္သည္ ဆိုေတာ့ အေတာ္ ခံျပင္း ေဒါသ ထြက္သြားသည္။ အဲဒီလို ကလိန္ကက်စ္နည္းျဖင့္ မသိနားမလည္ေသာ သူေတြဆီက ေခါင္းပုံျဖတ္ စီးပြားရွာတာေတာ့ အေတာ္ ႐ုပ္ဆိုးလြန္းသည္။
ျဖစ္ပုံက ဒီလိုပါ။ ကၽြန္မအိမ္မွာ တည္းၿပီး အလုပ္ရွာေနသည့္ မိတ္ေဆြညီမေလး ဟိုတေန ့က အင္တာဗ်ဴးေခၚသည့္ အီးေမးလ္ ရေတာ့ အေတာ္ေပ်ာ္သြားသည္။ ပထမဆုံး အင္တာဗ်ဴးဆိုေတာ့ ေပ်ာ္ေပမေပါ့။ ခဏၾကာေတာ့ သူနဲ ့အတူ အလုပ္ရွာေနသည့္ သူ ့ေမာင္ေလးပါ ဆင္တူ အင္တာဗ်ဴးေခၚသည့္ အီးေမးလ္ ရေတာ့ နဲနဲေတာ့ သံသယ ၀င္သြားသည္။ သိပ္မေပ်ာ္ေနနဲ ့ ဒါေအးဂ်င့္ ျဖစ္ဖို ့မ်ားတယ္လို ့ သတိေပးရသည္။ ေနာက္ နာရီဝက္ေလာက္ၾကာေတာ့ သူတို ့ႏွင့္ မေရွးမေႏွာင္းလာသည့္ သူငယ္ခ်င္းပါ တေနရာထဲမွ ဆင္တူ အီးေမးလ္ ရသည္ဟု ဖုန္းဆက္လာျပန္သည္။ သံသယက ပိုပို ႀကီးလာေပမယ့္ သူတို ့ စိတ္ဓါတ္မက်ေအာင္ သြားၾကည့္လိုက္ေပါ့လို ့ တိုက္တြန္းလိုက္ရသည္။
အိမ္က ညီမေလးက ကံဆိုးစြာ အရင္ဆုံး သြားရသည္။ သပ္သပ္ရပ္ရပ္ ၀တ္ဆင္ၿပီး ေသခ်ာ ျပင္ဆင္သြားသည္။ သြားခါနီး ျမန္မာျပည္က အေမေတာင္ ဖုန္းဆက္ၿပီး လွမ္းကန္ေတာ့ကာ ဆုေတာင္းေပးဖို ့ မွာလိုက္ေသးသည္။ သူ ့ခမ်ာ အေမအိုႀကီး လုပ္ေကၽြးခ်င္လို ့ ထြက္လာတာ အလုပ္ျမန္ျမန္ ရပါေစလို ့ ကိုယ္ေတာင္ ၀င္ဆုေတာင္းေပးလိုက္ ေသးသည္။
ေန ့လည္က်ေတာ့ ဖုန္းဆက္လာသည္။ တကယ့္ အင္တာဗ်ဴး မဟုတ္။ ၀န္ထမ္းဆိုလို ့ မိန္းမ ႏွစ္ေယာက္သာ ရွိသည့္ အခန္းက်ဥ္းေလး။ ေရာက္ေရာက္ခ်င္း form ျဖည့္ခိုင္းၿပီး သူတိို ့ဆီမွာ အလုပ္ႏွစ္ခု ရွိေၾကာင္း ေျပာၿပီး ပိုက္ဆံ ၁၂ ေဒၚလာ ေတာင္းသည္။ သူကလဲ ပထမဆုံး အေတြ ့အၾကဳံ အလုပ္ကလဲ လိုခ်င္ေတာ့ ပိုက္ဆံေပးခဲ့သည္တဲ့။ မွားသြားလားလို ့ေမးေတာ့ ကၽြန္မ ဘာေျပာရမွန္းမသိ။ အလုပ္လိုခ်င္သူေတြ အတြက္ ၀န္ေဆာင္ခ ယူ၍ လုပ္ေပးေသာ တရားဝင္ ၀န္ေဆာင္မွ ုလုပ္ငန္း (ေအးဂ်င့္) ေတြ ရိွေသာ္လည္း ခုလို မရိုးသား အင္တာဗ်ဴး အေယာင္ေဆာင္ၿပီး ပိုက္ဆံေတာင္းတာေတာ့ ခုမွ ၾကားဖူးသည္။
လိမ္တာ ျဖစ္ဖို ့မ်ားတယ္လို ့ ေျပာလို ့မွ မဆုံးေသး၊ ခုတင္ အင္တာဗ်ဴးက ျပန္လာ႐ုံ ရွိေသး အရင္ေန ့က အီးေမးလ္ အတိုင္း စာသား တထပ္ထဲႏွင့္ ေနာက္တႀကိမ္ ေရာက္လာျပန္သည္။ ပထမေတာ့ ဒုတိယအႀကိမ္ အင္တာဗ်ဴးေခၚသည္ အထင္ႏွင့္ ေပ်ာ္ေနၾကသည္။ သူ ့ေမာင္ေလး အီးေမးလ္ကို စစ္လိုက္ေတာ့ သူ ့အတိုင္း အီးေမးလ္ တခု ထပ္ရျပန္သည္။ ေလာဘတက္ၿပီး ပို ့ၿပီးသားလူလား၊ လာၿပီးသားလူလား မသိပဲႏွင့္ အသဲအသန္ ပို ့ေနျခင္းပင္။
ေနာက္တေန ့ သူ ့ေမာင္ေလးက လိမ္တာ ေသခ်ာေအာင္ သြားေလ့လာသည္။ သူ ့အမတုန္းက လိုပဲ သူတို ့မွာ အလုပ္ ႏွစ္ေနရာ ရွိသည္ဟု လိမ္ျပန္သည္။ ေမာင္ႏွမမွန္း မသိ။ ဒီတခါေတာ့ ေကာင္ေလးက ဟန္မပ်က္ form ျဖည့္ၿပီး ပိုက္ဆံ ၁၂ ေဒၚလာ ေတာင္းေသာ အခါ မပါလာေၾကာင္းေျပာၿပီး မေပးခဲ့။ ဒီေတာ့ ပိုက္ဆံ မေပးရင္ သူတို ့ အလုပ္ရွာ မေပးနို္္င္လို ့ ခပ္တင္းတင္း ျပန္ေျပာသည္တဲ့။ ေကာင္ေလးနဲ ့ အဝင္အထြက္ လာသမၽွ ျမန္မာေတြ ခ်ည္းပဲ ဆိုပဲ။
မေန ့ညက ဒီအေၾကာင္းကို အလုပ္ရွာေနသည့္ အသိအမႀကီး တေယာက္အား ေျပာၿပ သတိေပးေတာ့ လြန္ခဲ့တ့ဲႏွစ္လေလာက္က သူ ့သူငယ္ခ်င္းတေယာက္လဲ အဲဒီလို ခံခဲ့ရသည္တဲ့။ company နာမည္က အတူတူ။ သတင္းစာထဲမွာ ဟုတ္တိပတ္တိ တလက္မ ပတ္လည္ေလာက္ႏွင့္ ေၾကျငာတာလဲ အတူတူ။ သူ ့တုန္းက ေဒၚလာ ၂၀ ေပးခဲ့ရသည္တဲ့။ ျမန္မာေတြကိုသာ ေရြးလိမ္သည္။ အလုပ္လဲ တကယ္ရွာမေပးပါတဲ့။
ခုတေလာ ျမန္မာျပည္က အလုပ္လာရွာ သူေတြ လွိမ့္ဝင္လာေတာ့ သူတို ့လို လိမ္စားေနသူေတြ အတြက္ေတာ့ အကြက္။ တေယာက္ကို ၁၂ ေဒၚလာ။ တေန ့ အေယာက္ ၂၀ ဆို ေဒၚလာ ၂၄၀။ တလဆို ေဒၚလာ ၄၈၀၀။ အင္း… အေတာ္္ကို အႀကံပက္စက္ပါေပ့။
ေနရာက China Town ပတ္ဝန္းက်င္မွာ လွည့္ပတ္ က်က္စားေနသည္။ မဟုတ္တာ လုပ္သူဆိုေတာ့ တေနရာထဲမွာ အေျခမက်ရဲ။
တကယ္လို ့ အသိေတြထဲမွာ အလုပ္ရွာေနသူမ်ား ရိွခဲ့ရင္ လက္တို ့ သတိေပးဖို ့ ဒီီpostေလးကို ေရးလိုက္ရတာပါ။ ျမန္မာေတြကို လူလည္က် စီးပြားရွာေနသူေတြ အတြက္ သင္ခန္းစာေပးဖို ့ ရည္ရြယ္ခ်က္နဲ ့ပါ။ အလုပ္ရွာေနေသာ ျမန္မာ အေပါင္း လိမ္ညာသူေတြနဲ ့ ကင္းေဝးၿပီး ေကာင္းမြန္ေသာအလုပ္ အျမန္ဆုံး ရၾကပါေစလို ့….။
သူတို႔အင္တာဗ်ဴးရွိတယ္ ဆိုၿပီးကၽြန္ေတာ္တို႔ဆီကို ပို႔လိုက္တဲ့ Email မူရင္းကို ေဖာ္ျပေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္...
From: jssjs@singnet.com.sg
To: ------@gmail.com
Subject: RE: Application of Auto Cad Draftsman Post
Date: Fri, 7 April 2008 19:45:45 +1000
Thanks for your application. In this case, can we see u for an interview onWed Fri/4/08 10.00 am? Please advice.
151 Chin Swee Road #14-09 Manhattan House.
Direction:- Take MRT down to Chinatown station and exit from D. U can go to OG taxi stand there and walk towards the direction of some HDB at Chin Swee Road . Go straight until u can see Seng Siong ….We are just behind Seng Siong. U can ask people around there ..
(If u have been here or applied with us before, please do not reapply again)
Appreciate that.
ဒီသတင္းက ဟုတ္ပါတယ္။ ဘာလို႔လဲဆိုေတာ့ က်ေတာ္ကိုယ္တိုင္္ ၾကဳံေတြ႕ခဲ့ရလို႔ပါ။ ဒီၾကား ၂ လေလာက္မွာ အိုင္တီပတ္သတ္ၿပီးအလုပ္ေတြေခၚတာနည္းပါတယ္။ သတင္းစာေတြ႕လို႔ ပို႔လိုက္တာ ေအဂ်င္မွန္းေတာ့ မသိဘူး။ email က singnet ကို သုံးထားတာဆိုေတာ့ မႀကီးမွန္းေတာ့ ရိတ္မီတယ္။ ဒါေပမဲ့ က်ေတာ္သြားခဲ့တယ္။ က်ေတာ္ကို ေတာင္းတာ ၂၀၀ ပါ။ က်ေတာ္ Qualification ႏွင့္ ခ်က္ခ်င္းပဲရေတာ့မလိုနဲ႔ စကားေတာ့က်ေအာင္ေျပာပါတယ္။ registration from ကို ျဖည့္ခိုင္းၿပီ ပိုက္ဆံေတာင္းပါတယ္။ က်ေတာ္လဲမပါဘူးေပါ့ မေပးနိင္ဘူးေလ။ က်ေတာ္ဒီမွာေနတာ ၾကာေနမွန္းသိေတာ့ ဘဏ္ကဒ္မသုံးဘူးလားတဲ့ ရွိတယ္ ဒီေန႔မွာ က်န္ေနခဲ့တာလို႔ အတင္းပဲျပန္ေျပးခဲ့ရတယ္။
စလုံးမွာ အလုပ္ရွာ ဘိုု႔ Web site ေတၼပါ
AsiaOne Careers: http://careers.asia1.com.sg or The Straits Times: www.st701.com
Job Hunter: www.j-hunter.com/js.asp?regional=SIN
Job Seek: www.jobseek.com.sg
Jobsdb: www.jobsdb.com/SG/EN/default.htm
Jobcentral: www.jobcentral.com
Michael Page International: www.michaelpage.com.sg
Monster: www.monster.com.sg
RecruitAsia: www.recruitasia.com
MediaCorp Mocca: www.mocca.com
st701 က Straits Times သတင္းစာထဲက အလုပ္ေၾကာ္ျငာေတြကို web ေပါတင္ထားတာပါ Straits Times ဝယ္ရင္္ Wedneday နဲ႔ Saturday ဟာပဲ အလုပ္ေၾကာ္ျငာ မ်ားပါတယ္္ Saturday ဟာဆို Executive Appointments လို Company ႀကီးႀကီး Position ျမင့္ျမင့္ ေတြပါ ပါတယ္
Jobsdb ဆိုရင္ agent ကေၾကာ္ျငာ ေတြမ်ားလြန္းတယ္
Jobstreet ကမဆိုးဘူး Company တိုက္ရိွက္ေၾကာ္ျငာ တာမ်ားဒယ္....
သူတို႔အင္တာဗ်ဴးရွိတယ္ ဆိုၿပီးကၽြန္ေတာ္တို႔ဆီကို ပို႔လိုက္တဲ့ Email မူရင္းကို ေဖာ္ျပေပးလိုက္ပါတယ္...
From: jssjs@singnet.com.sg
To: ------@gmail.com
Subject: RE: Application of Auto Cad Draftsman Post
Date: Fri, 7 April 2008 19:45:45 +1000
Thanks for your application. In this case, can we see u for an interview onWed Fri/4/08 10.00 am? Please advice.
151 Chin Swee Road #14-09 Manhattan House.
Direction:- Take MRT down to Chinatown station and exit from D. U can go to OG taxi stand there and walk towards the direction of some HDB at Chin Swee Road . Go straight until u can see Seng Siong ….We are just behind Seng Siong. U can ask people around there ..
(If u have been here or applied with us before, please do not reapply again)
Appreciate that.
ခရစ္စတယ္မွ ကူးယူေဖာ္ျပပါသည္...
Saturday, September 20, 2008
ေအးဂ်င့္ အတုမ်ား သတိျပဳ
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ဒီသတင်းကိုခုမှတွေ့လို့ကျွန်မဆီကိုရောက်လာတဲ့မေးလ်ကိုလည်း ဝေမျှပေးလိုက်ပါတယ်။ ပထမဆုံးရတဲ့အင်တာဗျူးဆိုတော့စိတ်လှုပ်ရှားပြီးဝမ်းသာခဲ့မိတာပါပဲ။
ReplyDeleteဒါပေမယ့်ရောက်တာနဲ့ အခန်းကျဉ်းလေးတွေထဲမှာစောင့်ခိုင်းပြီး form ဖြည့်ခိုင်းပြီးပိုက်ဆံတောင်းတော့တာပဲ...ဒီတော့မှလိမ်နေပြီဆိုတာသိပြီး စဉ်းစားပါအုံးမယ်ဆိုပြီး ပြန်ခဲ့ရတာပါ။ အလိမ်ခံရပြီဆိုရင်လည်းအရင်ပိုက်ဆံမပေးခဲ့ကြဖို့ သတိပေးချင်ပါတယ်။
from jssjs
to .......@gmail.com>
date Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 5:06 PM
subject RE: Application for the Accounts Executive or Assistant-West/East:
mailed-by singnet.com.sg
Thanks for your application. In this case, can we
see u Thurs 10/9 at 515pm?
Please advice.
My address is at 151 Chin Swee Rd #14-09
Manhattan House. Direction:- Please take a MRT down to
> Chinatown Station and exit from D. Please look for OG
> taxi Stand. From there please walk straight till u see
Seng Siong Supermarket..
> > > > >
> > > > > Thanks
I also got interview email from that email id.
ReplyDeleteBe aware of such liar agents.
to my email
dateSun, Mar 28, 2010 at 3:04 PM
subjectRE: Application for the position of Network Engineer
Thanks for your application. In this case, can we se you for an
interview on 29/3 Mon at 245pm? Pls advice
My address is at 46C HOng Kong Street . (Besides Carpenter street )
(Pls check from Google website on how to get here before you come)We
are at the 3RD FLOOR..
Take a MRT down to Clarke Quey station and you will see Central
Shopping centre.
We are just opporsit central Shoppong mall (Where you will see some
shop houses)
** If you have apply at 151 Chin Swee Road #14-09 Manhattan House, PLS
> Thanks
From: jssjs@singnet.com.sg
ReplyDeleteSubject: RE: CV
To: miimiitway@yahoo.com
Date: Sunday, 4 April, 2010, 2:40 PM
Thanks for your application. In this case, can we se you for an
interview on 7/4 Wed at 1215pm? Pls advice
My address is at 46C HOng Kong Street . (Besides Carpenter street )
(Pls check from Google website on how to get here before you come)We
are at the 3RD FLOOR..
Take a MRT down to Clarke Quey station and you will see Central
Shopping centre.
We are just opporsit central Shoppong mall (Where you will see some
shop houses)
** If you have apply at 151 Chin Swee Road #14-09 Manhattan House, PLS
> Thanks
Looks like they have changed their address and still contacting us Myanmar people buddy!!
I also got this email.. and i searching on web .. then i saw Moethagyar first before i reply them...thank u much moethagyar.blogspot.com...
ReplyDeletejssjs@singnet.com.sg to me
Thanks for yr application.
The position u applying is with a Jap base MNC located near Bedok MRT. They
are dealing with Electronics such as Audio System, Video noise etc
They are lookin for PCB design Engineer .The job scope is as follow:-
Design Printed Circuit Board with eliminating problems due to EMC/EMI or
humming noise factors & fulfill Safety requirement.
Good in using the Mentor SFX Design tools and able to complete the design
within a tight schedule
Mentor Graphic Software systems maintenance.
ECAD Servers Maintenance
Good communication skills
Good technical report writing & PC skills
Conduct training for other user
Please advice if u have experiences in handlingthe above job scope and if u
have experiences, can u give a brief description on the job and which
company u have perform before?
Areu ok to try for this position? If u ok, can I know the following:-
1) What is yr reason for leaving yr current company
2) Last Drawn and expected saalry?
Please advice.
I got an email like that and it was from the same mail address last Saturday night. First, I was happy about the interview but it was not clear information in it and they said
ReplyDelete** If you have apply at 151 Chin Swee Road #14-09 Manhattan House, pls do not reapply again** like that.
And I searched about the mail address from google, found this blog post. Thank for your notice about them.
THNAKS..I got an email like that under mention:
Thanks for your application. In this case, can we se you for an interview on Mon 11/10 at 11am ? Pls advice
My address is at 46 HOng Kong Street Unit no is C Singapore 059684 . (Besides Carpenter street ) (Pls check from Google website on how to get here before you come)We are at the 3RD FLOOR..
Take a MRT down to Clarke Quey station and you will see Central Shopping centre.
We are just opporsit central Shoppong mall (Where you will see some shop houses)
* If you have apply at 151 Chin Swee Road #14-09 Manhattan House, PLS DO NOT REAPPLY AGAIN! ***
PS: And I searched about the mail address from yahoo, found this blog post. Thank for your notice about them.
i got the same email from
ReplyDeletei searched the location thru google maps. then i became suspicious because the place looked shady. i searched the net, then i found this! i decided not to go to that interview after reading some posts here and at a certain forum: http://forums.cozycot.com/career/9510-bad-job-agencies-47.html
would somebody be kind enough to translate the language above? :)
Thanks for your application. In this case, can we se you for an interview Wed 19/10 at 215pm or Thurs at 1030am ? Pls advice
My address is at 46 HOng Kong Street Unit no is C Singapore 059684 . (Besides Carpenter street ) (Pls check from Google website on how to get here before you come)We are at the 3RD FLOOR..
Take a MRT down to Clarke Quey station and you will see Central Shopping centre.
We are just opporsit central Shoppong mall (Where you will see some shop houses)
* If you have apply at 151 Chin Swee Road #14-09 Manhattan House, PLS DO NOT REAPPLY AGAIN! ***
from jssjs
ReplyDeleteto <---@gmail.com>
date Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 5:33 PM
subject Re: Application for It Manager via JobStreet.com
mailed-by singnet.com.sg
hide details 5:33 PM (21 hours ago)
Thanks for your application. In this case, can we se you for an interview Wed 19/10 at 530pm or Thurs same timing ? Pls advice
My address is at 46 HOng Kong Street Unit no is C Singapore 059684 . (Besides Carpenter street ) (Pls check from Google website on how to get here before you come)We are at the 3RD FLOOR..
Take a MRT down to Clarke Quey station and you will see Central Shopping centre.
We are just opporsit central Shoppong mall (Where you will see some shop houses)
* If you have apply at 151 Chin Swee Road #14-09 Manhattan House, PLS DO NOT REAPPLY AGAIN! ***
- Show quoted text -
jssjs@singnet.com.sg to me
ReplyDeleteshow details Oct 24 (2 days ago)
Thanks for your application. In this case, can we se you for an interview on Tues 26/10 at 11am ? Pls advice
My address is at 46 HOng Kong Street Unit no is C Singapore 059684 . (Besides Carpenter street ) (Pls check from Google website on how to get here before you come)We are at the 3RD FLOOR..
Take a MRT down to Clarke Quey station and you will see Central Shopping centre.
We are just opporsit central Shoppong mall (Where you will see some shop houses)
* If you have apply at 151 Chin Swee Road #14-09 Manhattan House, PLS DO NOT REAPPLY AGAIN! ***
Thanks for the information folks!
ReplyDeleteI got the same message from that email address and I suspect that this is just a scam because there is no clear description of the company firm....
jssjs@singnet.com.sg to me
ReplyDeletei also got the same email today, at first, i was surprised and i thought they should have given me a call for interview and there's no such details of them and i googled it for this mail add and found this website. Thank you so much :)
Thanks for your application. In this case, can we see u for an interview on Thurs 29/9 at 5pm?
Please advice
My address is at 46 Hong Kong Street Singapore 059684 Unit no is C. (Please google search for map before you come if you do not know the place here)
** please note that if u have apply with us before at 151 Chin Swee Road Manhattan House** please DO NOT REAPPLY AGAIN!
i was so happy while i received the email. And, of course wish to attend the interview. (Actually i had suspicious them because the email content is so weird and they even didn't give us the contact number,however, i didn't aware it so much) then i started google it, and i found out this website. Thank you!
>Thanks for your application. In this case, can we see u for an interview on 20/10 Thurs at 230pm?
>Please advice
>My address is at 46 Hong Kong Street Singapore 059684 Unit no is C. (Please google search for map before you come if you do not know the place here)
>** please note that if u have apply with us before at
>151 Chin Swee Road Manhattan
>House** please DO NOT REAPPLY AGAIN! U can just code your registratio no so we can retrieve and update your records. :)
I received email from this email address. Luckily I googled it and found this website.
3:05 PM (14 minutes ago)
to me
Thansk for your application. In this case, can we see you for an > interview on Thurs 13/6 at 330pm? please advice.
> Our address is at 317 Outram Road Concord Shopping Centre.
> Holiday Inn Atrium Hotel #02-52 S169075.
> You can take bus no.75 at Outram Park MRT and alight at Blk 94, 3
> stops later and walk to Holiday Inn Atrium in 4 MIN
> For your kind reference,
> 1) From Outram Park MRT
2 min
> Walk 140 m
> Walk to the bus stop at Opposite Outram Park MRT, Outram Road  .
3 min
> +10 min
Bus 75, 970
Board at Opposite Outram Park MRT (06011), Outram Road  in about 10 min.
> Alight at Blk 94, Zion Road  , 3 stops later.
2 min
Walk 103 m
Walk to Holiday Inn AtriumSingapore .
> Source:http://gothere.sg/maps#q:from%20outram%20park%20mrt%20to%20317%
> 20outr
> am%20road
> 2) From Clarke Quay MRT
> Â Â 3 min
> Walk 214 m
> Walk to the bus stop at Boat Quay, South Bridge Road  .
> Â Â 5 min
> Â
> +10 min
> Â
> Â
> Â
> Bus 51
> Board at Boat Quay (05029), South Bridge Road  in about 10 min.
> Alight at Holiday Inn Atrium Singapore, Â Havelock Road , 5 stops later.
1 min
> Ken
I got this email from jssjs@singnet.com.sg. Damn it
Thansk for your application. In this case, can we see you for an >interviewo 13/8 tues at 930am?
Plsadvice. advice. (If you have came here before, please
quote your registration no so we can check the status for you_)
Our address is at 317 Outram Road Concord Shopping Centre.
Holiday Inn Atrium Hotel #02-52 S169075.
You can take bus no.75 at Outram Park MRT and alight at Blk 94, 3
stops later and walk to Holiday Inn Atrium in 4 MIN
For your kind reference,
1) From Outram Park MRT
2 min
Walk 140 m
Walk to the bus stop at Opposite Outram Park MRT, Outram Road  ..
3 min
+10 min
Bus 75, 970
Board at Opposite Outram Park MRT (06011), Outram Road  in about 10 min.
Alight at Blk 94, Zion Road , 3 stops later.
I received too.. When I reply and ask them the company name and contact number, they didn't reply me.
Thansk for your application. In this case, can we see you for an >interview on 3/9 Tues at 11am?Plsadvice. advice. (If you have came here before, please
quote your registration no so we can check the status for you_)
Our address is at 317 Outram Road Concord Shopping Centre #02-52.
Next to Holiday Inn Atrium Hotel S169075.
You can take bus no.75 at Outram Park MRT and alight at Blk 94, 3
stops later and walk to Holiday Inn Atrium in 4 MIN
For your kind reference,
1) From Outram Park MRT
2 min
Walk 140 m
Walk to the bus stop at Opposite Outram Park MRT, Outram Road  ..
3 min
+10 min